welcome dear internet user!! it seems that you've stumbled across my little digital empire called 'femcel's lair', as for me - i'm jules and i'm mostly known from the alias 'piekny grzyb' (literally meaning beautiful mushroom). i'm a 16 year old socially awkward teenager who has been on neocities since 2022 and decided to finally come back after a year long break... most of my hobbies which mainly include art, work as a way for me to project my feelings and other parts of my persona in a way that is much easier for others to understand and perceive,, i hope you'll enjoy your stay here and keep in mind that this site is currently a work in progress!!!

hey... psst... please don't steal or heavily reference my code, it really took a lot of my time and remember that learning html and css isn't that hard as it might seem...

[29/06/2024] it's been a while am i right?? i uploaded the wip version to neocities just because i had to basically update my site twice on 2 seperate days just to comment profiles ahaha~ but i guess u can call this the official launch of femcel's lair

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